An organized and structured workout regimen where you’re breathing rapidly and sweating while creating tension can lead to your body responding to stress. When we are in our 100% stage and healthy we can handle that kind of stress, and we adapt to it which is the reason why we grow stronger and makes us fitter. However when we are sick, the stress of an intense workout can be way too much for our immune systems to handle. Here are some examples of low intensity and steady cardio workouts that aren’t harmful to the body while sick:


- Taking a walk

- Low-intensity biking

- Gardening

- Jogging

- Swimming

- Yoga


These options aren't intense enough to create serious immune-compromising stress on the body. They have been shown to boost the body's ability to fight illness. Regular resistance training may stimulate your innate immunity, while even a single session of low exercise seems to strengthen the adaptive immune system. And it's even better if you do it regularly. 



[Written Content by: Jazmine Gondola]